<p>Plan BE Secrets of the Divine Feminine, explains the powerful information that Spirit gave to Terry Hinkle, and follows the personal process that he had to go through to be able to trust and have faith in his direct connection with Spirit. This evolutionary new book will show women how to Re-Connect again with their Divine Gifts and embrace the higher levels of the Universal Life Force Energy thats available to them in infinite quantities. By entering into Plan BE, women will again Re-Member that they have a power and ability to Re-Connect to their natural source of healing power and sacred creative Energy in a way that no man can ever do. Spirit assured Terry that ...the shift away from the existing male dominated paradigm has begun. We are entering a new Golden Age where women will be safe to freely embrace their unique feminine gifts and create a powerful partnership with man. This equal balance of the Male and Female aspects of Universal Energy is needed now more than ever to help co-create a safer, healthier, and more prosperous world for us all. Plan BE Secrets of the Divine Feminine, also explains the process that a human must go through to reach the first of three levels of spiritual Ascension. This empowering spiritual and physical information that Spirit explained to Terry will help women consciously and subcosiously lose all of their unnecessary fears and judgments of self and of others. This personal centering in unconditional love will bring their empowered BEING: the balance of Body, Mind, and Soul, back together so that they will be able to effectively co-create at the highest level with Spirit and manifest the greatest life that could ever be imagined.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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